Monday, April 16, 2007

Blog #5 Quality Management Wild Card

The article I decided to write about was found at the web site for Centers for Diseas control and prevention, aka CDC. The link to this site is The article is the actual The State on Aging and Health in America 2007 report. It is with great excitement and predictions that this report will be a very useful for a variety of different associations like for instance, the one the article mentioned the public health and aging professionals and other miscellaneous and policy and researchers. I liked this report because the information seemed to be straight forward with information given from many various sources with excellent quality outcomes.
It is with quite obvious that the US population is going to be aging quickly. The report states that by 2030 the older generation over the age of 65 will be more than doubled, “doubled to 71 million older Americans, comprising roughly 20 percent of the U.S. population”. The article mentions that it is imperative that society needs to focus on encouraging and protecting the health of the older adult if we are to face the challenges that lay in front of us as far as the economic challenges go with out aging society.
Another interesting fact the article mentions is the cost. To provide health care for a older American is noted to be 3 to 5 times more than to provide cost to someone under the age of 65 years. So there is no big surprise that in the future to come the nations health care spending is projected to explode! The article noted as much of an increase as 25%. This is why the article stresses improvement of preserving the healthy older American and keeping them” more actively addressed”.
I am not going to go into depth about this article, however the article is clearly shouting to us that “Calls to Action” along with a “Spotlight” on decreasing injuries. The article features programs and possible solutions to help solve these problems to help out our aging society. Some examples provided were to help not just the elderly live healthier lifestyles such as incorporation more activity, but also it addressed the end-of-life issues with different decision making issues.
I feel that as Americans we have to make the correct choices to help the aging older adults live the best lifestyles as much as possible. It takes a nation working together to help when we see that help is needed. We are obligated to give or fellow aged Americans what they deserve, which is the best lifestyle possible is considering whatever they might have to face.

Blog #5 LTC Wild Card Blog

Spiritual aspects on aging
The article I choose for this topic is called, The Faith Factor in Healthy Aging. The article can be found on line at This has to be one of my favorites topics to talk about, spirituality especially when it deals with the aging older generation. As a middle aged woman, I am blessed to be living a happy and healthy lifestyle. And I am thankful for everyday that is provided to me, however I understand that where we come from we will end up with our father in heaven. Some older people are scared about this and some welcome it with open arms, stating they lived the good life. The main focus on this article mention what effects does spirituality and religion have on the changes associated with aging?
Spiritual fulfillment in my eyes is a lifelong journey and is different for everyone. The article goes on to mention that as the older generation age they try to seek out and find some sort of meaning in their life. I know that this article somewhat relates to my mother in a strange way because the article states that studies show the positive effects that seeking and maintaining spirituality have on aging. It states that practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing, are all examples, which can promote spiritual health. Funny, because this is exactly what my mom does almost everyday.
Also the article goes on to mention that older people use their spirituality as bases of coping with illness and losses of loved ones. This has proven to help make things less stressful as they see more and more issues of aging on a daily basis. Lastly, the article goes on to mention that spiritual exploration, when shared with others, can help build long lasting relationships. If one goes to church daily they build friendships that help them be able to enjoy more people and relationships more often instead of being left alone in the home. It also gives them a sense of self confidence knowing that they have a spiritual friend that shares the same values as themselves.
For me personally, I know that I have a great relationship with our “Maker” and I know that one day I will be united with him and the rest of my loved ones that have gone before me. Yes, I agree, not know what is out there beyond death can be frightening and fearful, but I have total faith that God will be on the other side with arms wide open welcoming me into his pearly gates. I believe that as the older adult becomes more aware that there is a better place then earth their aspect and outlooks on life will improve and whether you are ill and deteriorating or just running out of time because of old age.

Blog #4 LTC Wild Card

Title of Article: The Physical Changes of Aging

This article’s main focus is towards the caregivers that take care of the elderly. It talks about the physical changes of aging that occur normally in a body, which are not related or due to disease. Those changes mentioned are sensory changes, changes in bones and muscle, digestion, circulation, and sexuality. The article also notes the importance that not all people age the same. Everyone is unique and therefore all age different.

During the aging process, sensory changes often diminish making it difficult for the person to receive and process information via hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch. The article states, “About 30% of people over 60 have a hearing impairment, but about 33% of those 75 to 84, and about half of those over 85, have a hearing loss.” This makes it difficult for them to communicate with others. With vision, changes can occur at any age, and usually many older people have good-to-adequate site. Some changes may be noted in the late 30’s to early 40’s however mostly with aging the peripheral vision is reduced, along with the flexibility of the eye causing them to take longer to adjust to light changes. Also degeneration of the eye muscles and clouding of the lens are associated to aging. Focusing on near objects is difficult; therefore glasses will probably be required to see well. According to the article, vision impairments such as cataracts, glaucoma, and blindness affect between 7% and 15% of older adults. As for taste and smell, some loss may be associated with aging however it is considered to be very insignificant. The elderly also have less skin sensitivity; however they always have a feeling of being cooler because of the decline in sweat gland activity, poorer circulation and thinning skin. It is still important to remember that the sense of touch connects us to others at any age. Sensory changes have a huge impact when it comes to the physical aging process.

Aging adults, particularly the very old, are at risk to broken bones. They also need to be careful about joints stiffening and connecting ligaments between bones lose their elasticity, thus causing foot and hand pain. The only way to try to prevent problems with muscles and bones is to try to maintain a good diet and plenty of walking, which the article mentions will ensuring to help with their mobility in the years that follow.

Digestion is yet another area that changes when we get older and age. Firstly, the teeth usually fall out because of gum disease more so than the teeth going bad. This can also be easily replaced with a good set of dentures. Secondly, I thought this to be interesting is that the digestive system is especially sensitive to emotions. They seem to have a decreased appetite when feeling lonely, depressed or worried. It is also more common for older people to suffer from constipation.

With circulations, the heart is unable to pump blood the same as when they were younger. The heart slows down, thus causing poor circulation along with the sense of feeling cold. Also with a slower heart comes less energy so they tend to tire quicker. Also the blood vessels tend to loose elasticity thus contributing to the circulation that is already poor, even causing blood to pool in the legs causing edema or swelling.

Lastly, the article mentions the sexual changes, surprisingly the sexual patterns continue, the only thing causing them to change drastically would be the use of drugs or the person’s ability to perform. Nonetheless the sharing feeling of closeness will always be important regardless of age.